Read Before Posting : Rules for This Section

Discussion in 'Experience / Reviews' started by CHT, Jun 12, 2018.

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  1. CHT

    CHT Active Member Staff Member Trusted Contributor

    Feb 17, 2018
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    Purpose of this Forum :

    This Section is meant to allow users to post their Reviews and Experiences with their Past or Present Web Hosts, which might include Positive or Negative Reviews.

    You can share your Experiances with any hosting service ; including but not limited to : Dedicated Servers , Virtual Servers , Reseller / Shared Hosting, Services etc.

    You might be asked to present proof of purchase ( for the service being reviewed ).

    Who can Post :

    • Registered Members
    Who Cannot Post :
    • Banned Members
    What is NOT Allowed in this Section :
    • Spamming
    • Shilling ( Posting 'fake' Positive Reviews for yourself / others )
    • Defaming ( Posting 'fake' Negative Reviews )
    • Self promotion ( Posting Ads & Offers of your own company/business )
    • Affiliate Links
    • Thread Bumping
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
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